App Store Server Notifications V2 for FAMILY_SHARED subscriptions dot not fully arrive in Sandbox


We are implementing App Store Server Notifications V2 and currently testing the implementation in Sandbox.

For inAppOwnershipType PURCHASED subscriptions we are getting all server notifications for any subscription change up until eventual expiration/cancellation.

For FAMILY_SHARED subscriptions we are expecting the notifications we get to mimic same behavior as for PURCHASED inAppOwnershipType subscriptions, while in reality the following behavior occurs:

  1. Account gets access to subscription through family sharing
  2. We get only 2 notifications for FAMILY_SHARED subscription - INITIAL_BUY and RENEWAL
  3. We do not get any more notifications for said subscription - even when it, for example, expires.

Is this behavior expected in Sandbox? Will it work differently in Production environment?

(We do have cronjobs that sync data on a specific interval with the app store APIs, but we've been relying on server notifications as a main source of information for subscription changes because it is near realtime, with this limitation our architecture might need to change)



Hello, it is expected this would mirror the purchaser, and works this way in Production. Could you please file a ticket in Feedback Assistant with the user information/transaction ids you saw this behavior with and post the FB number here? (

Hi, thanks for the reply! just created it - FB13685365 (App Store Server Notifications V2 for FAMILY_SHARED subscriptions dot not fully arrive in Sandbox)

Applicable events for family shareable products are supported to test in sandbox and are supported production. TY for the ticket, can you now try again?

Just this Fall we released sandbox testing support for Family Sharing, can learn more here: