FairPlay Streaming

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Securely deliver streaming media to devices through the HTTP Live Streaming protocol using FairPlay Streaming (FPS).

FairPlay Streaming Documentation

Posts under FairPlay Streaming tag

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Hi Team, I am pre-caching first 5 seconds of vidoes to improve start up playback latency. I am using AVAssetDownloadTask(AVAssetDownloadTask | Apple Developer Documentation) for pre-caching first 5 seconds in movpkg container in local. Now during playback of pre-cache vidoe from local file, AVPlayer start downloading remaining video chunks hence completely download video in local which increase space in device. Is there any way to stop AVPlayer to cache/download chunks in local during playback ?
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Issue: I am supporting an iOS application that streams Fairplay DRM protected content. On iOS 16 devices, I am seeing intermittent exceptions thrown when trying to process the CKC returned by the license server. The thrown exception is as follows: -[AVContentKeyRequest processContentKeyResponse:] AVContentKeySession's keySystem is not same as that of keyResponse This issue does not occur on older devices (we support iOS 13, 14, 15) I am unable to find documentation about this error so any insight is appreciated: High-Level Code Overview Use ContentKeyRequest to request an application certificate Use returned Cert to call makeStreamingContentKeyRequestData Use returned data to request FairPlay license Use returned CKC to generate AVContentKeyResponse (i.e. AVContentKeyResponse(fairPlayStreamingKeyResponseData:_)) Call processContentKeyResponse(_) App crash/exception thrown when callling processContentKeyResponse I am seeing other issues related to DRM and iOS 16 but these are specific to downloaded and offline content which do not match my use case.
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I filled out the FPS certificate application form for existing applications twice in https://developer.apple.com/contact/fps/. After successful submission, I will say that I need to receive email in my mailbox, but I have not received the corresponding notification email in my mailbox. How do I deal with it? thank you!
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Hello There, Can the SAME FairPlay Certificate be used by two providers simultaneously without impacting each other? For example, we already have a DRM Providers using our FairPlay Certificate in Production. We are now planning to migrate to another DRM Provider for part of the traffic/channels in parallel with Production. This means, in Production, at the same time, 2 DRM providers would be using the SAME FairPlay Certificate. Kindly let us know if this will create any potential issues with the Encrypted Contents that use the Certificate. Is there any impact on the final user in the iOS/tvOS applications with two DRM providers using the same FairPlay certificate?
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We have created a hls playback framework and lot of our client's are complaining about this error {"code": -19152, "domain": "CoreMediaErrorDomain", "localizedDescription": "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error -19152 - The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreMediaErrorDomain error -19152.))", "localizedFailureReason": "", "localizedRecoverySuggestion": ""} We are unable to reproduce this issue on our end but we have data reflecting the same error happening at good rate. Any help/hint is welcome. Thanks
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Hi, is it possible to force/ensure an automatic license renewal in a Fairplay SPC response? I can find that feature in other DRM systems like Widevine (using specific parameters in the response) Searching in "FairPlay Streaming Server SDK 4.4.4" I can only find parameters related to lease/rental TLLs, but not an explicit renewal request. does this feature exists on FairPlay? Any information will be appreciated. Have a great day!
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Hello everyone, I have captured SPC and CKC messages. I'm trying to parse it using verify_ckc tool, but I only get SPC encryption key and SPC encryption IV: CKC/SPC Sanity Test v. 2.01 ========================= Begin SPC Data =============================== SPC container size 7296 SPC Encryption Key - a9 a6 8c 2b 62 2f 3a ee bc 92 0c 4d cb 07 d1 c7 SPC Encryption IV - 75 7f f7 60 c9 d0 16 2a 7b 96 0e 42 e6 c3 3e 75 ================ SPC TLLV List ================ =========================== End SPC Data ================================= =========================== Begin CKC Data ================================= =========================== End CKC Data ================================= SPC binary message: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0c0hm06RJQpTlsWBB1ANb3OZw#SPC CKC binary message: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/016apmD_MZDFaGVNey_HA_17g#CKC What is the problem?
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3 Replies
Hello, We are using HLS for our streaming iOS and tvOS applications. We have DRM protection on our applications but we want add another secure layer which is CDN token. We want to add that CDN token data on header or query parameters. Any of two are applicable at our CDN side. There is a problem at client side. We want to send that token knowledge and refresh at given a time. We add token data using at initial state let asset = AVURLAsset(url: url, options: ["AVURLAssetHTTPHeaderFieldsKey": headers]) and add interceptor with asset.resourceLoader.setDelegate. It works seamlessly. We use AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate and we can intercept just master playlist and playlists via func resourceLoader(_ resourceLoader: AVAssetResourceLoader, shouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource loadingRequest: AVAssetResourceLoadingRequest) -> Bool and we can refresh CDN token data at only playlists. That token data can be at query params or header. It does not matter. For example, #EXTM3U #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk1?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk2?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk3?cdntoken=A.ts #EXTINF:10.0 assume that it is our .m3u8 file for given live video playlist. It has three chunks with cdn token data in query params. If we give that chunks to AVPlayer. It is going to play chunks in order. When we change new cdn token at query params, it effects our chunk Urls and our player stalls. It is because our cdn adds new cdn token knowledge to chunk's Url. It means that our new .m3u8 is going to be like that for next playlist; #EXT-X-VERSION:3 #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk4?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk5?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 https://chunk6?cdntoken=B.ts #EXTINF:10.0 Cdn token data is converted to B from A at cdn side and it sends new playlist like that. That's why, our player is going to stall. Is there any way not to player stall with edited chunk url? When we change new cdn token at header. It does not change chunks url like at the first question but AVPlayer does not allow to intercept chunk Urls which means that before callin https://chunk1?cdntoken=A.ts url, i want to intercept and add new cdn token data to header. Is there any way to intercept chunk Urls like intercepting playlist? Thanks for answers in advance
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I need to correctly determine the mime type of keynote file and numbers file without relying on the extension. For this purpose, I am hoping to use the magic number concept and match it with the first four bytes of a file. Link for magic number understanding -> [https://www.outsystems.com/forge/component-overview/10108/validate-file-extension#:~:text=A%20magic%20number%20is%20a,types%20which%20is%20hexadecimal%20format.] Though after extensive searching online I am unable to find a unique magic number for the above files moreover first four bytes of the file is matching with the magic number of the zip file due to which I am getting the wrong extension as zip. This is the first four bytes 0x50, 0x4B, 0x3, 0x4. Is there any reliable way to find the mime type of these files without relying on an extension?
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When i validated the VOD playlist with media stream validator, am getting the "Different target durations detected" error for trk vs sub, var vs sub playlists, Error: Different target durations detected --> Detail: Target duration: 3599 vs Target duration: 6 --> Source: subs/eus_2/playlist.m3u8 --> Compare: trk969287/playlist.m3u8 --> Detail: Target duration: 6 vs Target duration: 3599 --> Source: var969287/playlist.m3u8 --> Compare: subs/eus_2/playlist.m3u8 but the apple specification (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/http-live-streaming/hls-authoring-specification-for-apple-devices specification) stated that "5.7. For VOD content, target durations of subtitle playlists MAY be longer than the other media." Can you please clarify the query that why we are getting different target duration error for subtitle vs other media playlists even though the apple spec mentioned that the subtitle playlist may be longer than other media for VOD assets?
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Hi, we have hls+fps stream, on our app implementation through AVAssetResourceLoader (get spc, generate ckc correctly) and stream played successfully But when we try to download stream for offline, through session.processContentKeyRequest for contentId, we get spc, generate ckc the same as previously, but can't recieve persistent key data keyRequest.persistableContentKey PKD failed Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11835 "Cannot Open" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=This content is not authorized., NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot Open, NSUnderlyingError=0x282da98f0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-42668 "(null)"}} Server and client the same, fps stream played, but not load pkd for offline All offline part of sources we get from HLS Catalog example, and implement requestCertificate and requestContentKeyFromKeySecurityModule, and i don't understand why we not recieve pkd.
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Case-ID: 3540728, we have developer membership, we have applied for fps on 31st July, and it was acknowledged from apple end, it was expected to be done in a week, although despite of many reminders we still have not got any response from apple reviewing team. can anyone have idea about why its taking so long. any help is appreciated.
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Hello, I am interested in developing an iOS app that can monitor and potentially block third-party applications while a specific app is running. I would like to inquire about the feasibility of implementing such functionality within the iOS ecosystem and if there are any privacy terms or restrictions that I need to be aware of to ensure compliance with Apple's policies. Thank you for your guidance.
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It's been over a month since I requested an FPS Deployment Package, and the only response I've gotten is a case number and an email stating that a representative will check in and get back to me, usually on Wednesday. I'm wondering if I need to do anything further or if cases like mine are common.
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On the FairPlay main page it states: The FPS Deployment Package is not available to third parties acting on behalf of licensed content owners. Could someone please provide more details around this statement? If I were to build a subscription based platform where users can upload & monetize their videos, and used FairPlay to prevent unauthorized access to the creator's content, what would Apple's response be?
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Hi there, I want to play a stream of audio immediately after the first chunk of the audio arrives. The data stream looks like this Audio_data, Delimiter, Json_data. currently I am handling all chunks before the delimiter and adds it in the queue of the AVQueuePlayer. However, when playing this audio during the stream there are many glitches and does not work well. Waiting until all chunks arrived and then play the audio works well. So I assume there is no problem with the audio data, but with the handling of the chunks as they come and play immediately. Happy about any advice you have! I am pretty lost right now. Thank you so much. import SwiftUI import AVFoundation struct AudioStreamView: View { @State private var players: [AVAudioPlayer] = [] @State private var jsonString: String = "" @State private var queuePlayer = AVQueuePlayer() var streamDelegate = AudioStreamDelegate() var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 20) { Button("Fetch Stream") { fetchDataFromServer() } .padding() TextEditor(text: $jsonString) .disabled(true) .border(Color.gray) .padding() .frame(minHeight: 200, maxHeight: .infinity) } } func fetchDataFromServer() { guard let url = URL(string: "https://dev-sonia.riks0trv4c6ns.us-east-1.cs.amazonlightsail.com/voiceMessage") else { return } var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "POST" // Specify the request type as POST let parameters: [String: Any] = [ "message_uuid": "value1", "user_uuid": "68953DFC-B9EA-4391-9F32-0B36A34ECF56", "session_uuid": "value3", "timestamp": "value4", "voice_message": "Whats up?" ] request.httpBody = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: .fragmentsAllowed) request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { [weak self] (data, response, error) in guard let strongSelf = self else { return } if let error = error { print("Error occurred: \(error)") return } // You might want to handle the server's response more effectively based on the API's design. // For now, I'll make an assumption that the server returns the audio URL in the response JSON. if let data = data { do { if let jsonResponse = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any], let audioURLString = jsonResponse["audioURL"] as? String, let audioURL = URL(string: audioURLString) { DispatchQueue.main.async { strongSelf.playAudioFrom(url: audioURL) strongSelf.jsonString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Invalid JSON" } } else { print("Invalid JSON structure.") } } catch { print("JSON decoding error: \(error)") } } } task.resume() } func playAudioFrom(url: URL) { let playerItem = AVPlayerItem.init(url: url) queuePlayer.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem) queuePlayer.play() } }
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We have a logic in the SDK which stops playback when the outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection event is fired by the player. Our initial understanding was that this event is fired only when the DRM blocks the video playback. However, in the present case we see that it is called even when playback is successful(playback with external screen connected). To determine whether playback still functions when the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event is triggered, we temporarily disabled the playback stop implementation that occurs after the event is triggered. code snippet - Observations - After this event was triggered during mirroring playback using a Lightning to HDMI connector, our expectation was that the playback would result in a black screen. However, to our surprise, the playback worked perfectly, indicating that this event is being triggered even when there are no DRM restrictions for that asset's playback. Another scenario we tested involved using a VGA connector. In this case, we observed that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event was triggered. Initially, playback started as expected when we commented out the playback stop implementation. However, after a few seconds of playback, the screen went black. In the first scenario, it was unexpected for the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event to trigger, as the playback worked without issues even after the event was triggered. However, in the second scenario, the event was triggered as expected. The issue we identified is that this event is being triggered irrespective of the presence of DRM restrictions for the asset. In another scenario, we attempted to differentiate between the VGA and HDMI connectors to determine if such distinction was possible. However, we found that the VGA cable was also recognized as an HDMI port in the case of iOS. We also tested the issue on an older iOS version (iOS 14.6.1) to see if the problem persisted. Surprisingly, we found that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event was triggered even in the older OS version. Conclusion: In our analysis, we have identified that the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' flag always remains true even though output is not obsecured. working case log: default 13:23:19.096682+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281284930> change kind = { kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } non working case log: default 13:45:21.356857+0530 AMC ||| observeValueForKeyPath = "outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection" object = <AVPlayer: 0x281c071e0> change kind = {kind = 1; new = 1; old = 0; } We searched through related documents and conducted a Google search, but we couldn't find any information or references related to this behavior of the 'outputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtection' event. It would be really appreciated if any one can help us with this!