Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.

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Posts under HTML tag

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In My PWA app I am using camera of getUserMedia() and html audio tags, So In my app I am using videos audios and camera based on requirements, so When I have updated iOS17 I have stared facing below issue. When I am loading camera after premission given. my audios are playing in ear speaker and not in media speaker only for ios17, older ios versions it is working fine. I am using javascript, angular, ionic with html5 css for developing my app. Please provide solution.
by kekuuuuu.
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Hello! I am someone who creates websites. When I click a link within an iframe, the screen briefly turns white. (This link navigates within the iframe, and the parent frame does not navigate.) I haven't specified any background-color or styling within the iframe, including the body. However, it turns briefly white during the transition, probably due to a rendering issue. This issue doesn't occur on other devices (android). Can this be resolved with CSS, or is it a bug? PC MAC OS / 13.4 (22F66) Safari / 16.5 (18615. iPhone IOS / 16.1.1 Safari / unknown
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iPad Pro(11-inch), iPadOS version: 16.6.1, Chrome version: 116.0.5845.177 I create a simple html and try to run on iPad. Although I set the height to 100vh, there is a vertical scrollbar on the right, and I could scroll down to a total empty page. It seems like the total height is more than 200vh. The web page works on Safari, but not work in iPad chrome. html: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div style="background-color: green; height: 100%; width:100%;">This is a div</div> </body> </html> css: body { height: 100vh; min-height: -webkit-fill-available; } html { height: 100vh; height: -webkit-fill-available; }
by Kerwen.
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I'm trying to read the clipboard data using the navigator.clipboard.readText() in the button click handler: <body> <h1>How to paste text</h1> <p><button type=button>Paste</button></p><textarea></textarea> <script> const pasteButton = document.querySelector("button"); pasteButton.addEventListener("click", (async () => { try { const e = await navigator.clipboard.readText(); document.querySelector("textarea").value += e; console.log("Text pasted.") } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to read clipboard. Using execCommand instead."); document.querySelector("textarea").focus(); const t = document.execCommand("paste"); console.log("document.execCommand result: ", t) } })); </script> </body> We can use the following link to check the demo page using the above code: https://web.dev/patterns/clipboard/paste-text/demo.html The demo page works fine when clicking the Paste button on the Chrome browser. But, it shows the Paste menu when clicking the Paste button on the Safari browser. Only when clicking the Paste menu on the Safari browser, the clipboard data is pasted into the text box. So, I'd like to know how to hide the "Paste" menu on Safari browser when using navigator.clipboard.readText() in the button click handler. Thanks.
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When typing into HTML input type=date picker if you want a second or 2 what you previously typed will be overwritten. For example if you highlight the year and you want to type in '2023'. You type in '20' (wait 2 seconds) and then type in '23' the previous '20' you typed will be overwritten.
by jmandawg.
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So we have an App (on Web & iOS environment), in which we still have not yet set up the Smart App Banner, but the Banner is shown on Safari on several pages. What we have on the project though is a list of Download pages to Play & Google Store in our About page which like the attachment below Here is the SAP being shown on only several pages: On Homepage it's not shown Upon clicking the profile picture and opening a Setting page, the SAP is shown On the Setting page, if we click Workspace, it still shows the SAP But when we are clicking the individual Workspace after that, the SAP is missing Because of this behavior, some of our page layouts are broken, thus we need to find a way to overcome this. To clarify this, we have 2 questions in mind, which is: On https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/promoting_apps_with_smart_app_banners, it's shared that the SAP can only be set via a meta tag. As this bug is appearing on the Web environment, is there any other way to set the SAP rather than with meta, that might be the result of this bug? If we init the SAP via meta tag will it replace the existing SAP completely? If yes, then we can just use the configured meta to fix this. Nevertheless, the help and guidance on this are deeply appreciated. Thanks
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Wondering if anyone has come across this issue. When a element has text in a element in an HTML table, VoiceOver will announce the text in the second element first, even if it comes after the text that visually (and programmatically) comes before it. This also happens with nested span elements. It does not happen with cells. For example: Replicable on: Safari/iOS 16.6 with VoiceOver Edge 113.0.17 with VoiceOver Please see you can replicate here: https://codepen.io/ayesha-2303/full/eYQqbXX Is this expected functionality or is it a bug? How can I raise it if it is a bug?
by ayesha12.
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Hello, I'm working for an IT company which edit Web apps and we use HTML tags with type="date" and type="time". Actually, we've got different problems on Safari (what I read was that these problems appeared with Safari 16). For and , the User Agent of Safari create tags inside tags (with pseudo-class "-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field" for instance) to display "ghost"/faked data when the value is empty or NULL (in fact, Safari display the current date, in the local format, in ). This behavior is really problematical for us because these inputs don't have to be filled every time (they are not required and don't have the attribute "required"), but they appear filled to our users... When you submit the form, the value is really empty (no value returned and that is what we want) but "something" is always displayed. We found a CSS trick to hide these things to our users but I think it's not normal, isn't it ? Can we block this Safari behavior ? Second problem : for , they are not editable anymore if their value is empty (we detect it thursday, April 6th 2023). However, if we put a specific value when we load the page, then we delete this value in the form, and then we change the value without loosing the focus of the input, it works. If we loose the focus, we can't click on the input to change its value or something else. Do you know the reason why ? For now, we are forced to change the type of these inputs to type="text" when users are on Safari in Javascript... Nevertheless, the official documentation (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/time) talks about compatibility between and Safari. Any idea ? Thank you for your time.
by CM-PM.
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Currently in iOS Safari and Chrome, when you share a link via the share button, the link that gets copied is the canonical URL. The site that I am working on has a different website listed as the canonical URL (it's a requirement that can't be changed). Is it possible to force iOS Safari and Chrome so copy my website's original URL, instead of the canonical URL? My canonical urls are included in my site via the following tag: <link rel="canonical" href="www.example.com">
by felix653.
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Hi, I am trying to override some properties on iPad Air 5 with media query. I am using Safari, but the query should work with Chrome also. I have tried several combinations, but it seems that nothing works. For example I have tried this queries: @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) and (orientation : landscape) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { body { font-size: 20px; } } @media only screen and (min-device-width : 768px) and (max-device-width : 1024px) { body { font-size: 20px; } } @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) { body { font-size: 20px; } } Does anyone know what is the problem? Best regards!
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Hello, We're testing our app using iOS 17 beta to see if there's any problem, and we encountered an issue with an image rendered using HTML5 canvas having the alpha layer turning to white (See screenshot below) This happens not just our website but to other website as well. Both in UIWebView and Safari Browser. Is this going to be fixed before the actual release of iOS 17? or do we have to tweak our code somewhere in order to fix this? Thanks! Regards, Byron Bautista
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Hello, I am developing a firewall against http attacks at Layer7 layer. And no system (linux/windows/android/bsd/ios version < 16) works flawlessly, except for ios 16 version. İos 16 device screen record (error): veed . io/view/ab86584b-c054-4b70-8c73-6ae9782fabad) Old ios version test (no error): I am using a golang http service in addition to nginx in the opened url. And when I try to access this golang code directly (ios16) I get 503 error from a device. And all this http service does is to set a cookie on the client after getting the useragent and ip information. Code: What new feature in iOS 16 prevents my service from running? and how can i fix this. Note: In iOS 16, the situation is the same in all browsers, not just safari, I tried it on chrome. However, there is no problem when I try it on 15 and lower versions, which is a lower version. Thanks for your help in advance.
by layerweb.
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I'm putting together a really simple demo/learning app to try out some of the new features of iOS 17, and I've found when adding a Map to an existing TabView, the map is extending itself over the tab, which is actually still visible and can be interacted with, but is basically hidden. There may be a modifier or something I'm missing to tell the map to stay in its frame, but I haven't found it. I have tried ones like safeAreaInsets, but that didn't seem to be right. Here's my super-simple view: TabView { Text("Not the map") .tabItem { Label("Not Map", systemImage: "person") } Map() .tabItem { Label("Map", systemImage: "map") } } And here's how it looks in the Simulator: I will file a feedback for this, but didn't want to too quickly assume it's a bug when it's just as likely I'm not doing something right (if not more so).
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Hello, I'm trying to learn swift and making the Landmarks tutorial I found a problem with the map view. The error read as follow: "'init(coordinateRegion:interactionModes:showsUserLocation:userTrackingMode:)' was deprecated in iOS 17.0: Use Map initializers that take a MapContentBuilder instead." My code is: import MapKit struct MapView: View { @State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion( center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 34.011_286, longitude: -116.166_868), span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.2, longitudeDelta: 0.2) ) // The error happens here! var body: some View { Map(coordinateRegion: $region) } } #Preview { MapView() } Any suggestions about hot to solve this will be appreciate it. Thanks, BR Skalex
by mussino.
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I am using Swift and Leaf Template to build a website and I am trying to render some cards based on the length of the array. I am stuck here. Someone should please help me out. func handleArticleList(_ req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<View> { var articles = [ArticleList]() // Populate the articles array with some data let article1 = ArticleList(articleName: "Article 1", articleImage: "image1.jpg", articleDescription: "Description of Article 1") let article2 = ArticleList(articleName: "Article 2", articleImage: "image2.jpg", articleDescription: "Description of Article 2") let article3 = ArticleList(articleName: "Article 3", articleImage: "image3.jpg", articleDescription: "Description of Article 3") articles.append(article1) articles.append(article2) articles.append(article3) for article in articles { print("Article Name: \(article)") // print("Article Image: \(article.articleImage)") // print("Article Description: \(article.articleDescription)") print("---") } print("value: \(articles.count)") // Convert the array of ArticleList objects into an array of dictionaries let articleDictionaries = articles.map { article in return [ "articleName": article.articleName, "articleImage": article.articleImage, "articleDescription": article.articleDescription ] } // print(articleDictionaries) let context: [String: Any] = [ "articles": articles, "value": articles.count ] // print("CONTEXT : \(context.count)") return req.view.render("index", context ) } } struct ArticleList: Encodable { var articleName: String var articleImage: String var articleDescription: String } My Leaf Template <main> //bunch of tailwind and HTML #for(planet in articles): <li> <h2>#(planet.articleName)</h2> </li> #endfor <p>#(articles.count)</p> </div> </div> </main>
by geffy.
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Hello, i am wondering why my HTML code is not working on iPhone, even though it is working on Windows PCs and Android phones. I listed a phone number in an email and made it clickable by adding this HTML code: 978-921-4334 Having sent the email, I accessed it on my phone through Gmail. The phone number is blue and looks like a button, can be clicked, but when clicked, it does nothing. I am not asked if I wish to call the number. This is not the case on my Windows PC and Android phone. The button responds as it should. Any idea on why this might be the case? Thanks in advance.
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Hello, My company and I have recently built a website for a client that has since launched and we discovered that some gated content is visible under Safari's reader mode. Is it possible to prevent videos loading in Safari's reader mode/disable them in reader mode? Thanks
by jethromay.
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