Image I/O

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Read and write most image file formats, manage color, access image metadata using Image I/O.

Image I/O Documentation

Posts under Image I/O tag

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I use a data cable to connect my Nikon camera to my iPhone. In my project, I use the framework ImageCaptureCore. Now I can read the photos in the camera memory card, but when I press the shutter of the camera to take a picture, the camera does not respond, the connection between the camera and the phone is normal. Then the camera screen shows a picture of a laptop. I don't know. Why is that? I hope someone can help me.
by Nuoyun.
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I found that the app reported a crash of a pure virtual function call, which could not be reproduced. A third-party library is referenced: Achieve smearing, blurring, and mosaic processing of images Crash code: if (![LFSmearBrush smearBrushCache]) { [_edit_toolBar setSplashWait:YES index:LFSplashStateType_Smear]; CGSize canvasSize = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(self.editImage.size, _EditingView.bounds).size; [LFSmearBrush loadBrushImage:self.editImage canvasSize:canvasSize useCache:YES complete:^(BOOL success) { [weakToolBar setSplashWait:NO index:LFSplashStateType_Smear]; }]; } - (UIImage *)LFBB_patternGaussianImageWithSize:(CGSize)size orientation:(CGImagePropertyOrientation)orientation filterHandler:(CIFilter *(^ _Nullable )(CIImage *ciimage))filterHandler { CIContext *context = LFBrush_CIContext; NSAssert(context != nil, @"This method must be called using the LFBrush class."); CIImage *midImage = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:self.CGImage]; midImage = [midImage imageByApplyingTransform:[self LFBB_preferredTransform]]; midImage = [midImage imageByApplyingTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeScale(size.width/midImage.extent.size.width,size.height/midImage.extent.size.height)]; if (orientation > 0 && orientation < 9) { midImage = [midImage imageByApplyingOrientation:orientation]; } //图片开始处理 CIImage *result = midImage; if (filterHandler) { CIFilter *filter = filterHandler(midImage); if (filter) { result = filter.outputImage; } } CGImageRef outImage = [context createCGImage:result fromRect:[midImage extent]]; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:outImage]; CGImageRelease(outImage); return image; } This line trigger crash: CGImageRef outImage = [context createCGImage:result fromRect:[midImage extent]]; b9c90c7bbf8940e5aabed7f3f62a65a2-symbolicated.crash
by peterKing.
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- (void)cameraDevice:(ICCameraDevice*)camera didReceiveMetadata:(NSDictionary* _Nullable)metadata forItem:(ICCameraItem*)item error:(NSError* _Nullable) error API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){ NSLog(@"metadata = %@",metadata); if (item) { ICCameraFile *file = (ICCameraFile *)item; NSURL *downloadsDirectoryURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask].firstObject; downloadsDirectoryURL = [downloadsDirectoryURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Downloads"]; NSDictionary *downloadOptions = @{ ICDownloadsDirectoryURL: downloadsDirectoryURL, ICSaveAsFilename:, ICOverwrite: @YES, ICDownloadSidecarFiles: @YES }; [self.cameraDevice requestDownloadFile:file options:downloadOptions downloadDelegate:self didDownloadSelector:@selector(didDownloadFile:error:options:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil]; } } - (void)didDownloadFile:(ICCameraFile *)file error:(NSError* _Nullable)error options:(NSDictionary<NSString*, id>*)options contextInfo:(void* _Nullable) contextInfo API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0)){ if (error) { NSLog(@"Download failed with error: %@", error); } else { NSLog(@"Download completed for file: %@", file); } } I don't know what's wrong. I don't know if this is the right way to get the camera pictures. I hope someone can help me
by WCF.
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Is it impossible to write tEXt chunk data to PNG on iOS? I successfully read the chunk data and modified it to add tEXt data to the chunk and saved it as an image in Gallery, But the tEXt data keeps disappearing when I read the chunk data from the image in the Gallery. Does iOS prevent preserving tEXt data when saving an image to Gallery?
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I have applied some filters (like applyingGaussianBlur) to a CIImage that was converted from UIImage. The resulting image data gets corrupted only in lower end devices. What could be the reason?
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I want to read metadata of image files such as copyright, author etc. I did a web search and the closest thing is CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex: - (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notif { NSDictionary* metadata = [[NSDictionary alloc] init]; //get selected item NSString* rowData = [fileList objectAtIndex:[tblFileList selectedRow]]; //set path to file selected NSString* filePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", objPath, rowData]; //declare a file manager NSFileManager* fileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init]; //check to see if the file exists if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:filePath] == YES) { //escape all the garbage in the string NSString *percentEscapedString = (NSString *)CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(NULL, (CFStringRef)filePath, NULL, NULL, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); //convert path to NSURL NSURL* filePathURL = [[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:percentEscapedString]; NSError* error; NSLog(@"%@", [filePathURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:error]); //declare a cg source reference CGImageSourceRef sourceRef; //set the cg source references to the image by passign its url path sourceRef = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)filePathURL, NULL); //set a dictionary with the image metadata from the source reference metadata = (NSDictionary *)CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(sourceRef,0,NULL); NSLog(@"%@", metadata); [filePathURL release]; } else { [self showAlert:@"I cannot find this file."]; } [fileManager release]; } Is there any better or easy approach than this?
by imneo.
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Webp images work on iOS and iPadOS. But it doesn't work on tvOS. In fact, Apple say that: But why doesn't it happen? Is there a way that it works on tvOS?
by seyma.
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guard let rawfilter = CoreImage.CIRAWFilter(imageData: data, identifierHint: nil) else { return } guard let ciImage = rawfilter.outputImage else { return } let width = Int(ciImage.extent.width) let height = Int(ciImage.extent.height) let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height) let context = CIContext() guard let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: rect, format: .RGBA16, colorSpace: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()) else { return } print("cgImage prepared") guard let dataProvider = cgImage.dataProvider else { return } let rgbaData = CFDataCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, In iOS 16 this process is much faster than the same process in iOS 17 Is there a method to boost up the decoding speed?
by qdwang.
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I am able to create a UIImage from webP data using UIImage(data: data) on iOS and iPadOS. When I try to do this same thing on watchOS 10, it fails. Is there a workaround to displaying webp images on watch os if this isn't expected to work?
by msdrigg.
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It appears I can't add a WebP image as an Image Set in an Asset Catalog. Is that correct? As a workaround, I added the WebP image as a Data Set. I'm then loading it as a CGImage with the following code: guard let asset = NSDataAsset(name: imageName), let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData( as CFData, nil), let image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, nil) else { return nil } // Use image Is it fine to store and load WebP images in this way? If not, then what's best practice?
by Goatma.
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I have written and used the code to get the colors from CGImage and it worked fine up to iOS16. However, when I use the same code in iOS17, Red and Blue out of RGB are reversed. Is this a temporary bug in the OS and will it be fixed in the future? Or has the specification changed and will it remain this way after iOS17? Here is my code: let pixelDataByteSize = 4 guard let cfData = image.cgImage?.dataProvider?.data else { return } let pointer:UnsafePointer = CFDataGetBytePtr(cfData) let scale = UIScreen.main.nativeScale let address = ( Int(image.size.width * scale) * Int(image.size.height * scale / 2) + Int(image.size.width * scale / 2) ) * pixelDataByteSize let r = CGFloat(pointer[address]) / 255 let g = CGFloat(pointer[address+1]) / 255 let b = CGFloat(pointer[address+2]) / 255
by fk40.
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I am facing an issue with a blog post, where I cannot view the image that is added on the blog post. In the blog post the image is a BMP type. I have read some earlier posts and it seems that BMP was not supported on the earlier IOS version. My IOS version is 17.0.2. Browser: Safari OS: iOS 17.0.2 Device: iPhone 14 URL: Please let me know what could be the issue.
by SaikatPZ.
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Our iOS app can access the photo library when running it on an M1 Mac. The app was programmed using Xcode and Objective C. We cannot select a photo from the library and we need the Objective C code to accomplish this task. None of our attempts were successful.
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Hello All, I am trying to compress PNG image by applying PNG Filters like(Sub, Up, Average, Paeth), I am applying filers using property kCGImagePropertyPNGCompressionFilter but there is no change seen in resultant images after trying any of the filter. What is the issue here can someone help me with this. Do I have compress image data after applying filter? If yes how to do that? Here is my source code CGImageDestinationRef outImageDestRef = NULL; long keyCounter = kzero; CFStringRef dstImageFormatStrRef = NULL; CFMutableDataRef destDataRef = CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,0); Handle srcHndl = //source image handle; ImageTypes srcImageType = //'JPEG', 'PNGf, etct; CGImageRef inImageRef = CreateCGImageFromHandle(srcHndl,srcImageType); if(inImageRef) { CFTypeRef keys[4] = {nil}; CFTypeRef values[4] = {nil}; dstImageFormatStrRef = CFSTR("public.png"); long png_filter = IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_SUB; //IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_SUB, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_UP, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_AVG, IMAGEIO_PNG_FILTER_PAETH .. it is one of this at a time keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyPNGCompressionFilter; values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&png_filter); keyCounter++; outImageDestRef = CGImageDestinationCreateWithData(destDataRef, dstImageFormatStrRef, 1, NULL); if(outImageDestRef) { // keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyDPIWidth; // values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&Resolution); // keyCounter++; // // keys[keyCounter] = kCGImagePropertyDPIHeight; // values[keyCounter] = CFNumberCreate(NULL,kCFNumberLongType,&Resolution); // keyCounter++; CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL,keys,values,keyCounter,&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CGImageDestinationAddImage(outImageDestRef,inImageRef, options); CFRelease(options); status = CGImageDestinationFinalize(outImageDestRef); if(status == true) { UInt8 *destImagePtr = CFDataGetMutableBytePtr(destDataRef); destSize = CFDataGetLength(destDataRef); //using destImagePtr after this ... } CFRelease(outImageDestRef); } for(long cnt = kzero; cnt < keyCounter; cnt++) if(values[cnt]) CFRelease(values[cnt]); if(inImageRef) CGImageRelease(inImageRef); }
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Hello! After recent talk on the WWDC2023 about HDR support and finding this documentation page on Applying Apple HDR effect on photos, I became very interested in the HDR Gain Map format. From documentation page it is clear how we can restore original HDR from SDR and Gain Map representation, but my question is - how from HDR we can convert back to the SDR + Gain Map representation? As I understand right know, conversion from HDR to SDR + Gain Map includes two steps: Tone mapping of HDR for getting correct SDR When we have both HDR and SDR, from equation in the documentation page we can calculate Gain Map Am I correct? If so, what tone mapping algorithm for HDR -> SDR conversion is used right know? Can't find any information about this in the internet:( Would be very grateful for your response!
by yarmus.
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struct ContentView: View { @State var listOfImages: [String] = ["One", "Two", "Three", "Four"] @State var counter = 0 var body: some View { VStack { Button(action: { counter += 1 }, label: { Text("Next Image") }) } .background(Image(listOfImages[counter])) .padding() } } When I click on the button, counter increases and the next image is displayed as the background. The memory usage of the app increases as each image changes. Is there anyway to maintain a steady memory use?
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I would like to use a third-party app to edit the metadata of a photo to change its Caption and then be able to search in the Photos app to find that image with the edited caption. I have managed to do this by duplicating the photo with the edited metadata. The Photos app recognizes it as a new photo and indexes it with the new caption, making it searchable. However, when editing the photo in-place, the Photos app will not re-index the photo, therefore it will not be searchable. Is there a way to edit photos in-place and have them searchable with the new metadata?
by nqeng.
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I have been researching and enduring the most unbelievable attack you have ever heard of. You won't believe me. AT&T doesn't. Apple doesn't. They have not bothered to even take a look. I have multiple screen videos and screenshots that prove that when my phone was stolen, damaged, then returned, it was infected with a very resilient virus of some sort, so that it has been cloned and is duplicated on a MAC. Now the WiFi network I use is likely the jumping off point, but I am not familiar with this level of invasion. I have restored the phone but I have not deleted the E-Sim. And I always restored from a backup. Well once. I did not and still no change. I am not a neophyte, and while I have limited knowledge of the apple code, swift or Xcode or whatever, I do have some coding knowledge from other platforms. One thing I do know though is my iPhone. I bought the first one in 2007 and watched the keynote announcing the App Store on the first iPhone. I know when it is operating as it should. For instance, whenever I reset my google password which is often, or I just look through the google account at devices, this iPhone 14 {Plus running iOS 17 is always listed as a MAC OS X from another region. Sometimes I can see this phone on there as well but it is never the (device I am using). Also, I have screen videos of very strange errors, like certain options will be shut off. Like right now I cannot turn on voice assist. During the damage when it was stolen, the Face ID was damaged. Just now it suddenly got brighter and it does that often almost as often as the volume suddenly going up. My contacts are constantly deleted and that is not because of switching accounts. As this has been occurring four over 4 months now, I have tirelessly investigated every explanation for the errors. I know it is a mac connected to the same WiFi because occasionally the font will change in size and small part of text will be highlighted and it is much smaller than the display of the phone. Everytime I login to Apple ID the password has been changed and this is with 2FA on. Also I just checked yesterday to see, on the AT&T website, and my number in just one day has (5Text messages listed that I did not get. My roommates seem to know things about me I haven't told them. At&T sent me a bill for a different number without a phone connected to it. I use an ESim. I have endless more details and screenshots and I cannot seem to get a response from apple, but my belongings have been stolen, my identity stolen, and my sanity also taken away. You begin to question reality, but just going over my body of evidence is enough to show I have something going on. I want to report this to someone but I would like to maybe get some info on how I could be sure, what is happening? MY Crash reports show interesting stuff. I am actually going to check and make sure the imei numbers in those reports match the device. But please help . This is like super high tech invisible terrorizing spyware and it will be worse for the next person. I mean when I unlock my phone it is never opened to the app I closed it on. NEVER. Email
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