Where to find ShapeEdit sample code?

I wonder where can I find source of ShapeEdit app mentioned in the WWDC 2020 SwiftUI videos. All I can find is old ShapeEdit.


Still no shape edit source code?
2021 is coming...
...2021 has arrived. 🦗
Can you publish the source code, please? It would be really useful for us to understand how we can architecture Canvas based apps.

I, too, would like this source code. This was an extremely informative talk, and demonstrated some non-trivial SwiftUI. In so doing, it went beyond just showing how to use documents.

maybe this year? who knows 🤞🤞

2023 is not the year of ShapeEdit. again

I am still looking

It is sad, that they won't share it, for somebody looking to learn this example is perfect starting point for what I want to work on...