iPhone Demo Contacts vCard File

We are developing an app that will show contact information - name, phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses. When I prepare screen shots and 30 second videos for the Apple App Store listing, for privacy, I want to avoid showing contact information from my own personal contacts. 

I understand that someone (maybe an Apple engineer) developed a vCard file with 60 iPhone Demo Contacts with "John Appleseed" and others. Does anyone know how I can obtain a zip file for those Demo Contacts, or something similar, in English?

I understand the vCard file with 60 contacts was previously, but no longer, available for download as a 5.2 MB zip file on TUAW.


Hate bumping an old thread, but I needed this recently and found a copy on The Wayback Machine:


Two years too late, but posting here in case someone else needs a set of sample contacts.