Cannot get CPU profile via xctrace

Hi, I'm a new owner of Apple laptop since I always using PC. I'm an experienced perf user but now I'm happy having my MBP2021 laptop so I need to learn new tools. I found that xctrace is the new way to capture profiles on Apple devices so I've installed one and ran on my app. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to make it work. Here is my script:

❯  xctrace record --template 'CPU Counters' --launch -- ./target/release/deps/flower-b0a05df673ad26db tests::test_run
Starting recording with the CPU Counters template. Launching process: flower-b0a05df673ad26db. 
Ctrl-C to stop the recording
Target app exited, ending recording...
Recording completed. Saving output file...
Output file saved as: Launch_flower-b0a05df673ad26db_2022-05-09_21.02.47_4E6DC3F7.trace.

❯ xctrace import --template 'CPU Counters' --input Launch_flower-b0a05df673ad26db_2022-05-09_21.02.47_4E6DC3F7.trace 
Import failed with error: Cannot find matching importer for url: Launch_flower-b0a05df673ad26db_2022-05-09_21.02.47_4E6DC3F7.trace/ -- file:///Users/pzixel/Documents/Repos/flower/

I tried to find any information about to how to make it work but failed. I hope I can find some support here.


Hello there,

'CPU Counters' needs to be preconfigured before use with xctrace. It doesn't record any events by default. To change configuration:

  1. Open by right-clicking on Xcode icon -> Open Developer Tool -> Instruments or find it with Spotlight.
  2. Open 'CPU Counters' template.
  3. Open File -> Recording options....
  4. Select events to capture, e.g. Instructions, Cycles, etc.
  5. Save the template File -> Save as Template..., e.g. with name Preconfigured CPU Counters

New saved template can be used with xctrace now: xctrace record --template 'Preconfigured CPU Counters' --launch -- ./target/release/deps/flower-b0a05df673ad26db tests::test_run

Output is a .trace file. It can be opened with or used with xctrace export command.

Following command shows table of content for trace: xctrace export --input input.trace --toc.

To get content itself: xctrace export --input input.trace --xpath '/trace-toc/run[@number="1"]/data/table[@schema="my-table-schema"]'

Import subcommand transforms supported file formats (.logarchive, .ktrace, .sample, etc) to .trace format which can be opened in or used with xctrace export.

Thank you for an answer. i did what you told but for some reason tracing process just hangs out.

❯ xctrace record --template 'Preconfigured CPU Counters' --launch -- ./target/release/deps/flower-8140bd4c6b5d1486
Starting recording with the Preconfigured CPU Counters template. Launching process: flower-8140bd4c6b5d1486. 
... nothing happened here for more than 20 minutes since I ran it

OTOH running it normally finishes almost immediately:

❯ time ./target/release/deps/flower-8140bd4c6b5d1486
./target/release/deps/flower-8140bd4c6b5d1486  0.02s user 0.01s system 130% cpu 0.023 total

Can I do anything to make trace end with results here?

Hello @Pzixel,

Thank you for reporting the issue.

Please file a feedback with steps to reproduce, samples output taken during xctrace hangs (sample xctrace) and sysdiagnose by using the feedback app or by going to This is necessary to figure out why xctrace hangs and find a solution.

Hi @Developer Tools Engineer

Mac M2 reproduced the same issue: xctrace CPU Counters Sample By Events hangs.

xctrace record --template 'MyTemplate' --launch -- /Users/zhaixiang/jdk-21.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -version

Starting recording with the MyTemplate template. Launching process: java. ... nothing happened here for more than 20 minutes since I ran it.

MyTemplate Sample By Events including Cycles (FIXED_CYCLES), INST_ALL and L1I_CACHE_MISS_DEMAND.

I have sent feedback:

Thanks, Leslie Zhai