Reporter.jar: Download subscription offer code redemption data for specific date


I am looking to access data on how many times (on a specific day, week, or month) an alphanumeric subscription offer code has been redeemed (to track affiliate marketing).

Right now, I am using the Reporter.jar tool like this:

java -jar Reporter.jar a=1234567 m=Robot.XML Sales.getReport 123456789, Subscription, Summary, Daily, 20230120, 1_3

As a result, a long list of subscription events is downloaded, however it is not clear which date a particular event did occur on. It seems like actually they pile up with every additional day.

These are the columns that I can see:

App Name, App Apple ID, Subscription Name, Subscription Apple ID, Subscription Group ID, Standard Subscription Duration, Subscription Offer Name, Promotional Offer ID, Customer Price, Customer Currency, Developer Proceeds, Proceeds Currency, Preserved Pricing, Proceeds Reason, Client, Device, State, Country, Active Standard Price Subscriptions, Active Free Trial Introductory Offer Subscriptions, Active Pay Up Front Introductory Offer Subscriptions, Active Pay As You Go Introductory Offer Subscriptions, Free Trial Promotional Offer Subscriptions, Pay Up Front Promotional Offer Subscriptions, Pay As You Go Promotional Offer Subscriptions, Free Trial Offer Code Subscriptions, Pay Up Front Offer Code Subscriptions, Pay As You Go Offer Code Subscriptions, Marketing Opt-Ins, Billing Retry, Grace Period, Subscribers

As you can see, a date is not among them.

Would be great if anyone has feedback on how to make this happen!