EAS build is failing since today's scheduled maintenance

Earlier today, there was scheduled maintenance according to the Apple Developer system status page: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/

Since that maintenance, Expo's eas build service has been failing. When attempting to sign into my Apple Developer account, I get the following message:

Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
Apple provided the following error info:
Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time.

It appears that there are quite a few others having this same issue based on discussion on Expo's Discord server. Was this due to an update to the App Store Connect API during today's schedule maintenance? Is anyone at Apple looking at this issue? Any suggested fixes?

  • I am getting the same error, I haven't found any solution or work around yet. Where do you see the maintenance status? Or do you have a link to it?

  • Apple status: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ Several items including "Account" are marked with "Completed Maintenance". You can click on those to get more status info. The status info currently says that maintenance is complete but that appears to be incorrect. Expo status: https://status.expo.dev/ The Expo team is currently saying "We do not have additional news or information on when this maintenance will be done"

  • Same issue, since this morning.

Accepted Reply

The Expo team released a fix via the EAS CLI. You’ll need to update to the latest:

npm install -g eas-cli

This should be the close of this issue for now.

  • Fails sometimes with:

    Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!

    Received an internal server error from Apple's App Store Connect / Developer Portal servers, please try again later

    Submission failed

  • Was that failing with eas build? Or with eas submit? If it's eas submit, then you can use the Transporter app in the Apple Mac Store to upload ipa files to App Store Connect. If it's eas build then I'm not sure what to do other than what has already been suggested (which is mainly, saying no to the question of whether you want to log in to your Apple Developer account).

  • Thank you, this worked for me.


Same problem since Saturday. Please fix, Apple

Same issue this morning. That makes it almost 3 days with out even a whisper from Apple. I sent a bug report but it will be at least 1-2 days before I hear back.

This along with the recent WeatherKit issues (and lack or response or help) has made my dive into mobile development extremely frustrating and painted Apple in a bad light. What the hell are we paying our yearly fees for?! It sure aint for developer support or reliable services...

feel like its my luck block entire developing, i was faced multply issues during build last week, and week later ive start fixing again now iam facing this boring issue. @support please fix it asap - iam so demotivated i cant delivery awesome app to my greatfull client

Work around I found for this is to choose no for the login prompt in EAS build. Then downloading that IPA from builds section in your Expo account. And uploading that IPA through Transporter app.

  • YES, IT WORKS!!!!

    sanjeeva_framebridge THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

    What to do:

    Answering no for login prompt after executing the following command: eas build --profile production --local

    Then uploaded via Transporter and it worked like a charm!

  • God bless you! It worked for me.

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Same issue, more than 30 hours now.

The latest fix from all of the above discussion is to use this command eas build --profile production --local and say no to the "want to log in to your Apple account" question. You will then need to upload your .ipa manually. If you run into problems (e.g. if fastlane fails), you can try again without the --local flag.

If you want to do a development build instead of a production build, you will need to download your distribution certificate and provisioning profile from the expo site (Project > Credentials > iOS > Application Identifier) and place those details in a credentials.json file (see https://docs.expo.dev/app-signing/local-credentials/).

Hey! I managed to start the building process after hitting "No" when asking for login into my developer account, but the process is stopped in the "Run fastlane" step with the error "Looks like fastlane ran into a build/archive error with your project". Do you think this is related to the outage we are facing?

If you change your eas config at all then you can't use the "No" login solution and are screwed. You will get an error that the integrity of your app cannot be verified;

please fix this issue!

The Expo team released a fix via the EAS CLI. You’ll need to update to the latest:

npm install -g eas-cli

This should be the close of this issue for now.

  • Fails sometimes with:

    Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!

    Received an internal server error from Apple's App Store Connect / Developer Portal servers, please try again later

    Submission failed

  • Was that failing with eas build? Or with eas submit? If it's eas submit, then you can use the Transporter app in the Apple Mac Store to upload ipa files to App Store Connect. If it's eas build then I'm not sure what to do other than what has already been suggested (which is mainly, saying no to the question of whether you want to log in to your Apple Developer account).

  • Thank you, this worked for me.

There's a recent update from expo that fixes this issue, you should update your eas cli and try again

i Still having this problem: Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed! UnexpectedAppleResponse: Apple provided the following error info: Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time.

For me it worked after running the command

npm install -g eas-cli --force

Re run "npm install -g eas-cli" fixed the issue.

Today I get the same error