EAS build is failing since today's scheduled maintenance

Earlier today, there was scheduled maintenance according to the Apple Developer system status page: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/

Since that maintenance, Expo's eas build service has been failing. When attempting to sign into my Apple Developer account, I get the following message:

Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
Apple provided the following error info:
Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time.

It appears that there are quite a few others having this same issue based on discussion on Expo's Discord server. Was this due to an update to the App Store Connect API during today's schedule maintenance? Is anyone at Apple looking at this issue? Any suggested fixes?

  • I am getting the same error, I haven't found any solution or work around yet. Where do you see the maintenance status? Or do you have a link to it?

  • Apple status: https://developer.apple.com/system-status/ Several items including "Account" are marked with "Completed Maintenance". You can click on those to get more status info. The status info currently says that maintenance is complete but that appears to be incorrect. Expo status: https://status.expo.dev/ The Expo team is currently saying "We do not have additional news or information on when this maintenance will be done"

  • Same issue, since this morning.

Accepted Reply

The Expo team released a fix via the EAS CLI. You’ll need to update to the latest:

npm install -g eas-cli

This should be the close of this issue for now.

  • Fails sometimes with:

    Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!

    Received an internal server error from Apple's App Store Connect / Developer Portal servers, please try again later

    Submission failed

  • Was that failing with eas build? Or with eas submit? If it's eas submit, then you can use the Transporter app in the Apple Mac Store to upload ipa files to App Store Connect. If it's eas build then I'm not sure what to do other than what has already been suggested (which is mainly, saying no to the question of whether you want to log in to your Apple Developer account).

  • Thank you, this worked for me.


i'm stuck with the same issue

Same problem here! Haven't been able to deploy since yesterday evening.

same here for the last 30 Minutes

I've been having this issue since last night. Is there any update?

Same here.. When should we expect the fix?

I am trying it now 100 times. I'll be continuing until this proceeds since I have an important schedule tomorrow 😭

Same problem, its been around 5 hours. We had Screenshots having an error problem before this.

thanks this caused me alot of confusion LOL, even changed my PW

Same issue, deploying to Apple hasn't worked for about 24h now 🧐

Hi! I think I found a solution.. so when you run eas build it asks you if you want to log in to your account. I usually choose yes but this time I used no and the build was successfully uploaded and it seems to be working fine. Hope this helps :)

  • Thank you, it works for me.

  • Damn! I solve this ******* problem. Thanks a lot bro!

  • This solution works for me. Thank you so much @marr_giertl

Still having same issue.

I finally solved the issue reading this! Hope this helps! https://github.com/expo/eas-cli/issues/1672#issuecomment-1416851869

Just select no on login and it started building..

  • Thank you so much. It worked for me without log in to the apple account.

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Come on Apple, please fix this!

This is blocking us. Please resolve or provide a status update.

Hmm, any progress, did Apple fix it? It was > 48h since I first met this issue...

  • No, they did not. I am still getting "Service not available because of maintenance activities, please try again after some time.".

  • Well, manually may be the work around for now 😢

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