App rejected Regarding Guideline 4.0 - Design, Your app requires users to provide their name and/or email address after using Sign in with Apple. This information is already provided by the Authentication Services framework.

Subject: Request for Resolution on Guideline 4.0 - Design: Null Display Name Issue with AppleAuth Provider by Firebase in React Native App

Dear Apple App Review Team,

I am writing to express my concern and seek assistance regarding the rejection of my React Native app from being published on the Apple App Store. The rejection reason cited is Guideline 4.0 - Design, specifically stating that my app requires users to provide their name and/or email address after using Sign in with Apple. Additionally, there is a null display name issue from the AppleAuth provider by Firebase.

I want to assure you that I have made every effort to comply with Apple's guidelines and provide a seamless user experience. However, it appears there may be a misunderstanding or miscommunication regarding the implementation of the name and email address requirement as well as the null display name issue.

Regarding the name and email address requirement:

  1. My app integrates Firebase's AppleAuth provider to facilitate Sign in with Apple.
  2. During the authentication process, the necessary permissions and scopes are requested to retrieve the user's name and email address from Apple.
  3. The obtained name and email address are stored securely within my app, eliminating the need for users to provide this information separately after using Sign in with Apple.

Regarding the null display name issue:

  1. Upon thorough testing, I have identified a problem where the display name returned from the AppleAuth provider by Firebase occasionally appears as null.
  2. This issue is unexpected and unintended, as the display name should be populated correctly based on the information retrieved from Apple during the authentication process.
  3. I have reviewed my code and integration with Firebase, following all the guidelines and recommendations provided by Apple and Firebase documentation.

I kindly request your guidance and assistance in resolving both the name and email address requirement misunderstanding and the null display name issue from the AppleAuth provider by Firebase. I am committed to rectifying these issues promptly to ensure compliance with Apple's guidelines and provide an optimal user experience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and guidance on how to address the Guideline 4.0 rejection and the null display name issue effectively. Please feel free to reach out to me if you require any additional information or have further questions.

Sincerely, dev nihar

Here is an image of my contact information

Dear Apple App Review Team

This forum isn’t the way to communicate with App Review. You need to do that directly within App Store Connect.

App rejected Regarding Guideline 4.0 - Design, Your app requires users to provide their name and/or email address after using Sign in with Apple. This information is already provided by the Authentication Services framework.