Font Sizes Issue ( Custom and System ) Xcode 15 Beta & iOS17 Beta

I am having issues with the Font Sizes on iOS17 Beta. When running the app in the simulator and on the device, the font weight for my app suddenly changed. For example, it has always been "Regular" and it changed to "Semibold" even thought its set to be in "Regular".

I am also adding a new label, and no matter what I do to the size, it does not change. On the storyboard is shows the correct size I set, but then running it on the simulator or in my device running iOS17 Beta it shows smaller or the the regular size of 17.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

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Finally [](XCode 15.0.1) resolved this.

  • @Megamil Sadly this issue was not fixed! I just upgraded Xcode, tested my app and it continues to load the wrong style ( regular, medium, bold etc ). The only walk around I have found is that if you go and switch the affected label to a different 'Style' and then back to the one you want, it will fix it. However, I am not 100% sure what happens when you submit it to the App Store and is installed in actual devices.

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is Settings => Display & Brightness => Bold Text enabled?

  • No, it’s not enabled. The app behaves normal when downloaded from the App Store. But while running it on the simulator or on my device on iOS17 Beta from Xcode the font weight changes.

  • It's worth noting that the fonts that were supposed to be "normal" are now bold, and the bold change to thin.

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I am also facing the same issue here. The app works perfectly when running Xcode 14 simulator but when running on Xcode 15 font weight changes weirdly.

  • Same issue here. Any solution

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Fundamentally this sounds like a bug, and I would recommend you sending feedback

I am facing the same issue in iPad OS 17 Beta and Xcode 15 beta. is it iPad OS 17 beta bug?

Facing this issue too with labels randomly changing font and weight. Hopefully this is a bug.

Same issue. At certain font sizes, my bold fonts become regular. It must be a bug because in my instance it's only at font sizes of 16 and 17. This is with a variable font, so perhaps that's where the bug lies.

We have same issues. We use custom fonts. Some UILabels' font in our app built on Xcode 15 beta were changed from 'medium' style to 'bold' font weight.

We have the same issue in our project. Font styles (regular, bold, etc.) are completely broken when we compile our App against the iOS 17 SDK.

Same here. Seems to be a known problem as stated on the Xcode 15 RC release notes:

Interface Builder documents using custom App fonts may load incorrect font at runtime. (113624207) (FB12903371) Workaround: Set font manually in code.

I have faced the same problem. Xcode 15 font weight changes weirdly

Same here! Since Xcode 15.

Same issue with Xcode 15.

Same issue

Same issue!!!!

Has anyone discovered a workaround? This is a pretty serious issue

  • The only thing you can do now is add the fonts programmatically to your labels and buttons.

  • That's not really a solution for a project like ours with over a hundred xib files... Why would they release a version with a known issue like this? I'm going to have to rollback to an older version now, which is always a massive headache

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