LocationManager responds locationUnknown only

My macOS application is trying to fetch location, but everytime LocationManager responds with locationUnknown. Application is granted with permission to access location. Issue is seen in only one device with OSVersion: 14.2.1(23C71), chipset: Apple M1 pro. Other devices with same OS don't have this issue.

My application is a background agent, means it has given UIElement in the plist.

Issue persists even after restarting device, re-installing application, re-applying location permission. But Google Chrome shows correct location when using Openstreet Map or Google Maps.

Is there any troubleshoot/alternative methods here? Any idea why it occurs?


if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
       if #available(OSX 10.14, *) {
       } else {
       // Fallback on earlier versions

I need to get location in certain intervals. So After LocationManager updates I stop location with locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() and request again after the interval.