Enroll Payment Error

Hi, i'm trying to pay the enrolment developer program and nothing is happening. I have money on my bank account, and i complete the forms very much times but i can't pass to the next step.

And, the apple support not calling and mailing me. What can i do?


Unfortunately I'm here too. I have been trying to buy membership for 2 month! Support didn't answer also. Who was able to solve the problem?

Sam here, I have just 3 weeks and still trying to find a solution. The developer app does not allow me to enrol, the button is greyed out and I have a link for the web enrolment. I tried with different AppleIDS, all my cards, credit and debit, one of them is the one which I use for iCloud payment. I contacted the bank to see if they are blocking my transaction somehow but that is not the case. I do not have the option to call them and speak with them, I just have the email option but they do not reply. There is one important information which I think says it all but do not know how to fulfil the condition:

Can I use a credit card other than my own to complete my purchase?

The payment information you provide must match exactly with your enrollment information. If this information does not match, your enrollment will be delayed and you may be asked to provide a copy of a government issued identification.

Payment information must match enrolment information, what does this mean? I tried a lot of combinations but nothing seems to be working.

Any ideas?