
interface CustomCatalog : Catalog

Configure a custom catalog of Signature objects to match against. Use a custom catalog if you intend to search against reference signatures that you have provided yourself. All matches will be performed locally on the device against the signatures added to this Catalog. MediaItem can be built using custom data that will be returned when a match is made. Once this catalog has been built it can be written to disk and loaded again at a later date.


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abstract suspend fun addFromCatalog(source: InputStream): ShazamKitResult<ShazamKitException, Unit>
Load a pre made Custom catalog from disk.


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abstract val maximumQuerySignatureDurationInMs: Long
The maximum Signature duration that can be used to perform searches against this Catalog.
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abstract val minimumQuerySignatureDurationInMs: Long
The minimum Signature duration that can be used to perform searches against this Catalog.