Custom Apps

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Posts under Custom Apps tag

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Is it possible to control the modal window's styling displayed when using ASWebAuthenticationSession? We would like to display a full-screen & change the color of the header bar to match the iOS app. Is this possible to do?
by pravinady.
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In a nutshell, the classpath that I'm setting in Info.plist does not seem to work. I continue to get an error saying that jar files pointed to by the classpath cannot be found. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong . I put the jar files in : I've even tried referencing the jar file directly with an absolute classpath but it still doesn't work. It is almost as if my app is prohibited from having access to jar file referenced by a classpath. Is there some type of permission I do not know about? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. This is my Info.plist file: <dict> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>bin/MakinaCraftApp</string> <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key> <string>MachinaWJavaApp (1)1.0, Copyright {user} 2004. All rights reserved.</string> <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> <string>6.0</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string>MachinaWJavaApp (1).icns</string> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>MakinaCraft</string> <key>CFBundleName</key> <string>MachinaWJavaApp2</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleSignature</key> <string>????</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>1.0.1</string> <key>Java</key> <dict> <key>MainClass</key> <string>com.noatechnologies.machinawjava.MachinaWJavaApp</string> <key>StartOnMainThread</key> <true/> <key>Arguments</key> <array/> <key>ClassPath</key> <string>$JAVAROOT/gluegen_rt:$JAVAROOT/gluegen_rt_natives_macosx_universal:$JAVAROOT/jogl_all:$JAVAROOT/jogl_all_natives_macosx_universal:$JAVAROOT/jogamp_fat.jar</string> </dict> </dict>
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I am building my macOS app for distribution outside the Mac App store using a shell script as shown below. When a user reports a crash, all I get is offsets and I can’t tell what is going on, where: Thread 3 Crashed: 0 Meteorologist 0x1026da778 0x10268c000 + 321400 1 Meteorologist 0x1026d6354 0x10268c000 + 303956 2 Meteorologist 0x1026d0a8c 0x10268c000 + 281228 3 Meteorologist 0x1026e8ae4 0x10268c000 + 379620 4 Meteorologist 0x1026f7501 0x10268c000 + 439553 5 Meteorologist 0x1026f6621 0x10268c000 + 435745 6 Meteorologist 0x1026f74f9 0x10268c000 + 439545 7 Meteorologist 0x1026f7509 0x10268c000 + 439561 If I understand correctly, I need to include a dSYM file in my executable. I have DWARF with dSYM File in my Build Options, Release value. I can see the dSYM in my .xcarchive file. How do I get it into my .app executable? I do include uploadSymbols=TRUE in my exportOptionsPlist file. If I manually copy the dSYM file, prior to the notarytool step, notarytool throws an error. If I insert the dSYM file after I notarize then it gets flagged when I open the app because it doesn't match what was notarized. #!/bin/bash #set -e #set -x TEMPLATE_DMG=dist/template.dmg # "working copy" names for the intermediate dmgs WC_DMG=wc.dmg WC_DIR=/Volumes/Meteorologist VERSION=`cat ../website/VERSION2` SOURCE_FILES="./Build/Release/ ./dist/Readme.rtf" MASTER_DMG="./Build/Meteorologist-${VERSION}.dmg" # .altoolid = aka Developer Email # .altoolpw = abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop aka App-specific password # .altooltm = ABCD123456 aka Team ID dev_account=$(cat ~/.altoolid) dev_passwd=$(cat ~/.altoolpw) dev_teamid=$(cat ~/.altooltm) mkdir ./Build rm -rf ./Build/* echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Storing Credentials -----------------------" echo xcrun notarytool store-credentials --apple-id \"$dev_account\" --team-id \"$dev_teamid\" --password \"$dev_passwd\" notary-scriptingosx xcrun notarytool store-credentials --apple-id "$dev_account" --team-id="$dev_teamid" --password "$dev_passwd" notary-scriptingosx > xcodebuild.log exit_status=$? if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then cat xcodebuild.log exit 1 fi rm xcodebuild.log echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Building Project as an Archive -----------------------" echo xcodebuild -project Meteorologist.xcodeproj -scheme Meteorologist -configuration Release -derivedDataPath ./Build -allowProvisioningUpdates --options=runtime clean archive -archivePath ./Build/Meteorologist.xcarchive xcodebuild -project Meteorologist.xcodeproj -scheme Meteorologist -configuration Release -derivedDataPath ./Build -allowProvisioningUpdates --options=runtime clean archive -archivePath ./Build/Meteorologist.xcarchive > xcodebuild.log exit_status=$? if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then cat xcodebuild.log exit 1 fi rm xcodebuild.log echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Creating exportOptions.plist -----------------------" echo \<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?\> > exportOptions.plist echo \<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<plist version=\"1.0\"\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<dict\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<key\>destination\</key\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<string\>export\</string\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<key\>signingStyle\</key\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<string\>automatic\</string\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<key\>method\</key\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<string\>developer-id\</string\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<key\>uploadSymbols\</key\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \<true/\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \</dict\> >> exportOptions.plist echo \</plist\> >> exportOptions.plist echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Exporting the Archive -----------------------" echo xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ./Build/Meteorologist.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions.plist -exportPath ./Build/Release xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ./Build/Meteorologist.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist exportOptions.plist -exportPath ./Build/Release > xcodebuild.log exit_status=$? if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then cat xcodebuild.log exit 1 fi rm xcodebuild.log echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Compressing the app -----------------------" echo /usr/bin/ditto -c -k --keepParent ./Build/Release/ ./Build/Release/ /usr/bin/ditto -c -k --keepParent ./Build/Release/ ./Build/Release/ if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then echo "Compress (ditto) failed" exit 1 fi echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Notarizing the app -----------------------" echo xcrun notarytool submit ./Build/Release/ --keychain-profile=notary-scriptingosx --wait xcrun notarytool submit ./Build/Release/ --keychain-profile=notary-scriptingosx --wait if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then echo "xcrun notarytool failed" exit 1 fi echo echo ........................ echo "------------------------ Stapling the app -----------------------" echo xcrun stapler staple "./Build/Release/" xcrun stapler staple "./Build/Release/" if [ "${exit_status}" != "0" ] then echo "xcrun stapler failed" exit 1 fi echo rm ./Build/Release/
by EdwardD20.
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Hi, I'm considering trying the product page optimization with other app icons. The doc says that " If an app is downloaded from a product page with a test treatment, the test treatment app icon displays throughout the download process and on the user’s device." ( Do I understand correctly that no additional code is required when the app is downloaded from the test treatment ? No code required on app launch ? I appreciate any feedbacks, Thank you
by Sen_Aika.
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We have an iOS custom B2B app and have distributed it using redemption code sent as invitation link to the customer's email. The customer redeems the code and app is installed.  We are planning to provide an update to the same app, we wanted to know: 1) Will the app that has been downloaded using redemption code get auto updated when a new update is published? 2) If the person has been sent a redemption code before the app update, will the same redemption code point to the new updated app or do we need to generate new set of redemption code?
by reesen.
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Hi guys, After getting bounced around by Apple support, I was told to post here to get confirmation(?) about usage of a product we are interested in using. I'm hoping to get some insight on this. In a nutshell, we found some home brewed software that will allow us to flash an airtag like device with custom firmware. This device can then leverage Apple's BLE and send information(GPS) through icloud to a mac that we purchased(server resides there, we do not run/need Find My). We can then use that data internally to assist first responders. As this would be an internal project, there is no selling, no money changing hands for profit, etc. Any thoughts if this is something we can do legally? I don't want to deploy this and find out we shouldn't be doing this. To be honest, if push came to shove, and the pricing was reasonable, we would be open to paying Apple a fee if that was a factor. Any thoughts?
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Given a document-based app (MyApp) using DocumentGroup: If MyApp is not open, or it is open with the Document Browser displayed, and a file compatible with MyApp is tapped in the Files app, the tapped document opens as expected in MyApp. If MyApp is open and displaying a document, then tapping a compatible document in the Files app switches to MyApp, but fails to display the tapped document, and logs the following error: [Presentation] Attempt to present <SwiftUI.UIKitNavigationController: 0x11c87dc00> on <SwiftUI.DocumentBrowserViewController: 0x129018a00> (from <SwiftUI.DocumentBrowserViewController: 0x129018a00>) whose view is not in the window hierarchy. The problem is easily demonstrated by creating a new project from the Document App template in Xcode and running it in the simulator Run the app and create a new document (Untitled) Close Untitled and create another document (Untitled 2) Close Untitled 2 Open Untitled Switch to the Files app, navigate to the MyApp folder and tap on Untitled 2 The error above will be shown in Xcode. Does anyone have any insight into how to solve this? Thank you
by rollandjb.
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I know that I can get multiple redemption codes from Apple Business Manager, let users download custom apps using redemption codes, and there are region restrictions. Does the user have to enroll own devices in MDM to download custom apps with redemption code? Because users are not necessarily full-time employees of the company, they may also be short-term partners who use their own devices.
by Russ87218.
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Hey everyone, I have knowledge of Python from data science background and a friend of mine wrote an app based on Python. This app was converted to binaries for windows, which works fine, and also to a macOS binary that runs fine from the command line, but I fail to make it double clickable. I now want to dive a little into app development for macOS to make this a real one click app with all these features like signing and notarizing (I am aware this requires an Apple developer account) and stuff. What I want to learn is some Xcode basics (GUI and command line) especially for building Python projects for arm64 and x86_64 and notarizing. Building C++ projects for arm64 and x86_64. Maybe some basic understanding of Object-C and Swift (no complete coding stuff, since I want to stick to Python). Is there a good course someone can recommend (doesn’t have to be free) that covers these topics so I don’t have to browse through a lot of online resources (which I will of course still have to do later)? Thanks everyone :).
by gernophil.
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A customer reports that devices are coming out of single-app mode and becoming unresponsive. They manage the MDM (AirWatch) and report that some devices leave single app mode over and show a blank white square on the home screen, almost like a widget or OS message, but without content. This mostly happens overnight, the only resolution is to remove the enclosure and physically reboot the device. Our application doesn't have any widgets and we looking for any ideas on what may be causing this issue.
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I am making a shopping list app and I am up to allowing the user to add items to their grocery list by pressing the blue plus button in the top corner. The first part of my question is: When the plus icon is pressed, how can I add a list with 3 sections? And the second part: How can the list be adjusted later on if the user wishes to change an item or the qty of their items? Thank you, Aidan.
by Aidan1100.
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Good morning, So let me explain what I’m needing. We have a IoT device, that we have no way of changing. This device has the ability to be put into a broadcast mode which turns the device into a Wifi Router that we connect to. Once we are connected to the device, we then have the ability to set that device up to connect to a customers WiFi network. What I’m wanting to do is this: 1: User will physically put the device in broadcast mode 2: Mobile app will then scan all available local wifi’s looking for a SSID that matches the a MAC Address 3: The mobile app will then need to connect the device to the consumer's WiFi. #2 is where the problem lies. I need to get a list of wifi networks local to the mobile device so I can pick out the MAC address that I need to connect to. Any examples of this working would be awesome. The application I'm writing is written in Xamarin but even if you were to provide swift examples, I should be able to convert it. Thanks,
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We design, develop and build industrial embroidery equipment, CNCs, and laser cutters based on Apple Technologies. We have been trying for several months to find a group within Apple that understands what we do. So, now I need to bother people on this forum. I do not want to have our machines running on Windows PCs and just be able to connect to iPads and Mac minis. I want our entire solution to be sold with the correct hardware, pre-configured, when they leave our shop. Difficult to believe that nobody out there has thought of moving their hardware to Apple technologies. Any help from engineering or other hardware manufacturers would be much appreciated it!
by nsol01.
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I have used beeware briefcase-macOS-Xcode-template to build and run my python code on xcode and the app runs successfully. But after archiving and using distribute app it shows an error occurred. Couldn't find platform family for "main-fat". Couldn't find CFBundleSupportedPlatforms in the Info.plist, LC_VERSION_MIN, or LC_BUILD_VERSION in the Mach-O for path "/Users/keshav2.chaudhary/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2023-06-05/JioCloud 05-06-23, 12.38 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/".
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Hello everyone. I have a react native app, I am trying to build it for ios in order to update old version in apple store connect, however I am getting the AppDelegate errors below on build. (I am using a Windows computer and Visual Studio Code) yarn run v1.22.17 $ /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/.bin/expo prebuild --no-install --platform ios Creating native project directories (./ios and ./android) and updating .gitignore ✔ Created native project | gitignore skipped Adding Metro bundler config › Metro skipped: Project metro.config.js does not match prebuild template. › Ensure the project uses expo/metro-config. Learn more: Updating your package.json scripts, dependencies, and main file ✔ Updated package.json and added index.js entry point for iOS and Android › Removed "main": "node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js" from package.json because we recommend using index.js as main instead Config syncing [stderr] Using node to generate images. This is much slower than using native packages. [stderr] › Optionally you can stop the process and try again after successfully running npm install -g sharp-cli. Config syncing ✖ Config sync failed [stderr] UnexpectedError: [ios.dangerous]: withIosDangerousBaseMod: Could not locate a valid AppDelegate at root: "/Users/expo/workingdir/build" [stderr] Please report this as an issue on [stderr] UnexpectedError: [ios.dangerous]: withIosDangerousBaseMod: Could not locate a valid AppDelegate at root: "/Users/expo/workingdir/build" [stderr] Please report this as an issue on [stderr] at getAppDelegateFilePath (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/ios/Paths.js:113:11) [stderr] at getAppDelegate (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/ios/Paths.js:178:20) [stderr] at Object.getSourceRoot (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/ios/Paths.js:183:23) [stderr] at /Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/prebuild-config/build/plugins/unversioned/expo-splash-screen/withIosSplashAssets.js:103:66 [stderr] at action (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:235:29) [stderr] at interceptingMod (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/expo-splash-screen/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:126:27) [stderr] at action (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:206:14) [stderr] at async interceptingMod (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:105:21) [stderr] at async interceptingMod (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:105:21) [stderr] at async action (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/createBaseMod.js:61:21) [stderr] at async interceptingMod (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/withMod.js:105:21) [stderr] at async evalModsAsync (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/mod-compiler.js:204:25) [stderr] at async Object.compileModsAsync (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/config-plugins/build/plugins/mod-compiler.js:124:10) [stderr] at async configureProjectAsync (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/cli/build/src/prebuild/configureProjectAsync.js:54:15) [stderr] at async prebuildAsync (/Users/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/@expo/cli/build/src/prebuild/prebuildAsync.js:83:9) [stderr] error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit for documentation about this command. yarn exited with non-zero code: 1 Also I am getting expo-doctors warnings, which tell that some dependencies should be updated. I have updated those dependencies and still getting the same errors. Thanks in advance :)
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Hi! I am a complete beginner so I am not sure how to implement this. I have a horizontal scroll view implemented right now that holds two rectangles, with placeholder images. I am planning on making all of these into buttons, but want to make it so that at the end of the second rectangle, no matter how many more of the standard buttons I make, there is a button with a different image and function (to create a new one of these rectangles in the scroll view). I have no idea how to make it so that this create button is also in the scroll view, but not like the first two standard rectangles. Would be so thankful to get help!!
by Takatasox.
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Hello, I'm from Turkey and here, it's illegal to use crypto currencies any means of purchase or sale etc. However, I would like to create an app that involves crypto currencies and I wonder; firstly, is there any different procedure to upload the games that involves crypto currencies into App Store . Secondly, do I need to state approval? Thanks in advance
by Cannnkc1.
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