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24 Replies
My xcode keep loading after updating to Version 9.3 (9E145) I can work for 3o minutes, I have to force quit it each time it stops responding
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1 Replies
I defined an iTunes account to Xcode, and all applications on that account started to appear in organizer. I removed the account from Xcode and I deleted these path. But It's coming back.~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Products/~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/I tried it with the terminal. it didn't happen again.rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Please help me.
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55 Replies
I log into my Apple Id account under Pref->Account. I AM able to login, it shows me as a team memeber. Then I exit xcode and when I run it, I go to Pref->Account, it says 'Your session has expired, please login'. I can do this over and over.ThanksRalph
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8 Replies
XCode 10 beta, I am getting this error regarding multiple commands:Multiple commands produce '/Users/myName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dzvbktbmuxvgjefvikelaxydqckv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftdoc':1) Target 'MyApp Free' : Ditto /Users/myName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dzvbktbmuxvgjefvikelaxydqckv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftdoc/Users/myName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dzvbktbmuxvgjefvikelaxydqckv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ Target 'MyAppWidget' : Ditto /Users/myName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dzvbktbmuxvgjefvikelaxydqckv/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/MyApp.swiftmodule/arm64.swiftdoc/Users/myName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-dzvbktbmuxvgjefvikelaxydqckv/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ also get the same thing for .swiftmodule document.Notice the first argument of the lines are the same, but the 2nd argument is different.My main app has a widget bundled in it. Both have Swift code obviously. Unbundling the widget from the main app fixes this, but of course is not what we can do. It seems like the builds are putting the file into the same place but it has to get moved to another place?
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4 Replies
I have found multiple forum postings where people have asked for how they can delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Unfortunately none of them are helpful. Some respond with non-helpful questions like "Why do you want to delete your Signing Certificate?" I'll tell you why I want to delete it. It's mine and I don't want it any more. I want it gone! Others have responded to similar questions by saying to just create a new Apple ID. I don't want to do that either. I like my world clean and orderly without junk laying around, so that answer is not acceptable either. I want clear instructions on how to delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Interestingly, the option to delete it is there but it's grayed out. Why have it there if you can't delete it? Can someone please help me with this?
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7 Replies
It would be extremely helpful to have indent guides like what Visual Studio has in Xcode as discussed here.Would you agree?
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4 Replies
Using XCode9, I have created a C-command line project and added an open source framework (gstreamer) in adddition to the corefoundation framework to my project.The C-program uses the header files from gstreamer which are not found by the compiler causing an error. I cannot see where I can add the header path to my project. I have checked the Framework and Xcode lists in the Header directory all header files.The following line causes the compiler error:#include <gst/gst.h>Asking for advice.gMichael
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5 Replies
I get the below error while I build the app for a deviceProvisioning profile "######" doesn't include signing certificate "##########".Provisioning profile "########" doesn't include the currently selected device "#########".What do I need to do to resolve this?
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5 Replies
Has anyone else noticed how slow xCode 10 is now in compiling code. It used to take 20 second to build and run. Now the same exact code takes over 45 seconds and sometimes over a minute to comple and run vs xCode9
Post marked as solved
8 Replies
I want to insert a new outlet for a stack view, but every time I click connedt, this error appears: "Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find a classs named ViewController in the language Swift". I tried to clear the project and reopened it, but nothing changed. In my other projects it works just fine. I think the only thing I did was updating Xcode in the AppStore. Is it a problem with Xcode or can I do anything to fix this error?
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10 Replies
I'm new to Xcode and programming in general, and I'm having an issue with Xcode. After I made my code and built it successfully the first time, I can type in input in the bottom console no problem. But then I made a few tweaks and went ahead to build it again. It did successfully build but this time I can't type in anything in the bottom console. So I have to close Xcode and reopen it again everytime I want to make any tweaks and it's getting annoying. Would love to know how to fix this. Thank you in advance.
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11 Replies
My app is working as expected in the simulator on iOS 12.1, but not on my iOS 11.x device, and it is just a layout issue. I'm not aware of any major changes in layout constraints from 11 to 12, so I'm perplexed... I upgraded an older device from iOS 10 to 12 and my app layout works on it, so it seems something changed between iOS 11 and 12 regarding layout, but I don't know what that is...How can I get a simulator running iOS 11.x to debug? I'll start debugging on my actual 11.x device, but I would also like to know how to get a simulator running older iOS versions? xcodebuild -showsdks says I only have 12.1 iphone/simulator 12.1 -- how do I run 11.x in the simulator, or older iOS versions in general in the simulator?
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2 Replies
Reading sqlite databases in the OS library can be one option but does it require Jailbreaking?How does spyware like Cocospy work on iOS devices? Note: I'm going to capture data for R&D with user consent, visible running app and not as spyware running in the background.I'm new to iOS development and any leads, references will be much appreciated.
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3 Replies
After two hours on the phone with Apple support - they hung up on me. I am trying to create a provisioning profile so I can develop an App. I was able to do so mannually in my online account - I even downloaded it to my computer. However, Xcode cannot recognize it. Further, the "automatic" version simply does not work with my computer. Is it possible to use this horrible product? All I wan to do is create a provisioning profile. But, the error won't go away and Xcode cannot find the profile I created. Any advice on how to develop in this trash IDE? Any idea why Apple treats its customers so poorly?
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5 Replies
In Apple's documentation it says this:"This method, though convenient, is inefficient if used multiple times in succession. Achieve better performance by chaining filters without asking for the outputs of individual filters."That confuses me though because I don't know how to link them together without getting the output. For example, this is my method to apply a TiltShift filter, based on the instructions from Apple's docs. When I perform the gradient filter, I have to take the outputImage of that to pass into the next filter. What's the right way to be doing this? override public var outputImage: CIImage? { guard let inputImage = inputImage else { return nil } let clamped = inputImage.clampedToExtent() let blurredImage = clamped.applyingGaussianBlur(sigma: inputRadius) var gradientParameters = [ "inputPoint0": CIVector(x: 0, y: 0.75 * inputImage.extent.height), "inputColor0": CIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0, alpha: 1), "inputPoint1": CIVector(x: 0, y: 0.5 * inputImage.extent.height), "inputColor1": CIColor(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0, alpha: 0) ]; guard let gradientImage = ciImage(from: "CILinearGradient", parameters: gradientParameters) else { return nil } gradientParameters["inputPoint0"] = CIVector(x: 0, y: 0.25 * inputImage.extent.height) guard let backgroundGradientImage = ciImage(from: "CILinearGradient", parameters: gradientParameters) else { return nil } let maskParameters = [ kCIInputImageKey: gradientImage, kCIInputBackgroundImageKey: backgroundGradientImage ] guard let maskImage = ciImage(from: "CIAdditionCompositing", parameters: maskParameters) else { return nil } let combinedParameters = [ kCIInputImageKey: blurredImage, kCIInputBackgroundImageKey: clamped, kCIInputMaskImageKey: maskImage ] return ciImage(from: "CIBlendWithMask", parameters: combinedParameters) } private func ciImage(from filterName: String, parameters: [String: Any]) -> CIImage? { guard let filtered = CIFilter(name: filterName, parameters: parameters) else { return nil } return filtered.outputImage }
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8 Replies
I changed my project name in project navigator and right after I tried to simulate it.An error appeared and said "Build input file cannot be found"
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8 Replies
I am in team "... University" at the moment (which includes Apple Developer Program for members), but Xcode only shows my Personal team.I tried everything from reinstalling Xcode, rebooting, removing accounts and re-adding,... none of these helped.Can someone help?I'm using Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001),and macOS Mojave version 10.14.5 (18F132)
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20 Replies
I am running Catalina (10.15) with XCode11. After creating a new project and selecting the option to Use SwiftUI, the file opens, but i get an error message in the preview window;'Cannot preview in this file -- active scheme does not build this file. 'the info button says 'Select a scheme that builds a target which contains the current file, or add this file to a target that is built by the current scheme.'i've tried opening numerous new projects, with and without unit tests, but none of them allow it to be previewed. I did see on Twitter that I'm not alone in seeing this issue. Any ideas on steps to troubleshoot it? Thanks all.