Aspiring Developer

I'm still learning how to code and would love to get recommendations on how to learn swift/swiftui for iOS/macOS app development. Any recommendations are welcome :)

Accepted Reply

I highly recommend Paul Hudson's intro programs at Hacking with Swift. He has a 100 Days of SwiftUI course, which would be an excellent place to start. It will walk you through learning Swift in the beginning then start building apps with SwiftUI. There's a ton of free content on his website ranging from beginner to advanced.

Additionally, John Sundell writes excellent content on his website Swift by Sundell. He has a basics section, which would complement the 100 Days of SwiftUI quite well. He also covers advanced topics and everything in between.


I would like to know how to create something I am bit confused sense I’m new to this any ideas
I have been using DR. Angela YU ISO 13 & Swift 5 complete iso app developer boot camp on Udemy
it is extensive and I have found it to be very useful . I have a hand full of other courses from other apps but I keep coming back to this one. Cheers to learning
I can highly recommend the Spring 2020 version of Stanford University's course CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS using SwiftUI). Videos of the lectures are available on Stanford's YouTube channel.

@DebbieD, Please don't be confused, we all started like this ;-)

Me actually, years ago with the Apple ”Hello World“ sample code and Objective-c. Today, Swift(UI) is your friend. Download Xcode from the App Store on your Mac.

Go to this Apple page, they will walk you through:

Of course, the Simulators are a great start, but things are getting really cool if you run your very first ”own and self-written“ app on-device ;-)

Have fun ;-)

As a newbie to Swift, I actually found the Intro to SwiftUI WWDC2020 session quite insightful.

What was superhelpful is to just see the developer incrementally build the app and see it rendered in real-time in XCode!

I also highly recommend the following resources:

  1. App Development with Swift

  2. Apple’s SwiftUi Tutorial

  3. Udemy iOS App Development, Swift, and SwiftUI courses. I like the courses by Mark Price of Devslopes, Nick Walter, and Dr. Angela Yu of the London App Brewery.

A lot of people have recommended Paul Hudson's course already, but if you've stumbled along a problem, you can check a list of possible solutions and ways to implement code in his 'SwiftUI by example' article. Happy programming!
I agree with what everyone else has said in the replies. Definitely go checkout those resources they can be very valuable. My personal favorite is John Sundell's "Swift by Sundell" blog.

Reading up on these resources is great, but it isn't a substitute for trial and error. Come up with a simple app idea and try to implement it. You will learn so much from just trying to implement a simple tip calculator app. From there see where your interest takes you and learn pieces of app development and swift as you need them to accomplish your goals. In my personal experience it can be very overwhelming trying to learn everything about all these technologies at once. Good luck and don't hesitate to post on the developer forums if you have any questions!

In addition to Paul Hudson's great work on SwiftUI there is a Udemy course (it goes on sell regularly)
iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp I've enjoyed that course a lot - it has many details and lots of content.
by Dr Angela Yu

In addition to this wonderful recommendations,

I would encourage you to play with the Maxwell App and then check the Github repo and the documentation. This SwiftUI SDK allows you yo create Universal Design Systems like Material Design or Bootstrap right from your phone.

We'll be happy to help you get started (There is a link to Discord chat inside the app).
This one is good too: [Big Mountain Studio]
If you have a Swift Group in your area I would join it. You can learn so much from other developers, Just remember its a journey not a sprint.
I was in the same boat as you last year. I highly recommend anything by Paul Hudson (@twostraws) who runs Also the CS 193P Stanford course with Paul Hegarty is online for free and is SUPER helpful to learning Swift and SwiftUI.
I think the best start is from Stanford, the cs193p is update regularly and the fall 2020, is using swiftUI, and his is building a couple of apps that have it all.

There is a Udemy Course called "iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp" by Angela Yu. Occasionally Udemy gives out courses on deals so I got this one for $10.99. This course is amazing. It has content for 60 hours and I learned everything I know from there. I definitely recommend it.